
Sync between Inventory Devices and Asset Manager

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When adding new devices to our network/VPN, they automatically appear in Inventory>Devices. However, these devices are not populating in Asset Manager>Assets. Currently, we need to add devices manually to Assets. 

Is there a way to automate/sync the connection between Inventory>Devices and Asset Manager>Assets? 

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Answers (2)

Posted by: KevinG 1 year ago
Red Belt

What version of SMA?

Navigate to Asset Management Asset Types -> Devices

What do you have selected for Mapped Inventory Field and  Matching Asset Field:  ?

You may want to review this previous post. https://www.itninja.com/question/asset-inventory-1

  • Were using K1000.

    In Asset Type Detail we have Mapped Inventory Field set to BIOS Serial Number and Matching Asset Field to Name.

    Looking at the previous post we just need to change Mapped Inventory Field to System Name and that should set up that link. Am I understanding that correctly?

    If these fields need to stay the same it sounds like the Answer from chucksteel is also applicable here. - brandoriv 1 year ago
  • What version of the SMA 12.x.x or 13.x.x ..etc

    System Name -> name should accomplish the task if you want the device system name to be the asset name used. - KevinG 1 year ago
Posted by: Hobbsy 1 year ago
Red Belt

Let’s be clear, KACE will be creating an asset record for every inventory record created. 

What that asset record is called and how it is linked is within the Asset type for Device.

From what you say you have the BIOS serial Number linking in the asset name. That means a device PC23 with bios number of ABC123 when checking into Inventory for the first time will create an asset named ABC123 which will be linked.

If You can’t work that out and it is not the case LOG A SUPPORT TICKET as your SMA is not operating as expected.

From a best practice perspective I would recommend add a field to your Asset Device type of “Serial Number” save the asset type and then link Inventory on BIOS Serial number to the “serial number” field in the asset.

Now if your PC23 checks in for the first time you will find a linked asset called PC23 with the BIOS serial number in the serial number field.

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