
Sysprep Creator Windows Activation option

If I choose the "Active Windows later", my images are not checking in with the KMS server.  Do I need to put a KMS server in or will automatic activation work using no server or MAK key?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: scriptingninja 9 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
The answer file has a variable in place that is replaced with what is typed in, if you were to not put something in and ran sysprep that way it would freak out because of that unknown variable (ie LICENSEKEY) so you will need to choose something.
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 9 years ago
Red Belt
if your dns and domain are set properly they should register themselves.  I have run into times this does not work, to prevent it from being a problem with imaging you can do 2 things.  Add the kms product key to the answer file lilke this


a list of kms keys can be found here:

the second thing I do is add this line to a post task

cscript %SystemRoot%\System32\slmgr.vbs -ATO

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