Three Domain Fields in Machine Inventory
I am trying to create some reports that find what machines are not joined to our domain. I see three fields in the Machine Inventory related to this: DOMAIN, USER_DOMAIN and CS_DOMAIN. Our domain is I have entries for machines that are connected to Kace and checking in where DOMAIN is empty, USER_DOMAIN is AD and CS_DOMAIN is The user domain makes sense to me, but is tied to the user account and not the machine. I want a report that tells me whether the machine is joined to the domain.
So, what's the difference between DOMAIN and CS_DOMAIN and why would one be empty and the other have the domain?
when you look at domain under a OS on a computer what shows there? - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago
It says "" which tells me that field on the UI is pulling from CS_DOMAIN. - lmland 10 years ago
Answers (2)
Without an official word from someone I have to assume that the field CS_DOMAIN in MACHINE is the best to key off of for what the domain of a machine is. The USER_DOMAIN is tied to last user logged in and if the last user was a local user for some reason it won't have the domain in that field even if the machine is on the domain.
I would still like to know what the DOMAIN field is for and where that field is getting information from when inventorying machines. - lmland 10 years ago