Trouble after installing Kace RSA...
I installed a Kbox2000 RSA today, transferred everything to the RSA (only about 23 gigs) and when I went to image a computer, I got an error stating that the imagestore directory couldn't be found. Here are the steps that I took:
1. Install Vmware ESXI...
2. Convert ovf over...
3. Linked RSA and K2000 together.
4. Set files to sync, including all of my midlevel tasks...which include deploying the wims...
5. Changed pxe boot in that building's dhcp scope to point to the RSA.
6. PXE booted...and dang its fast...
7. Picked the WIM...the preinstall tasks worked like a champ...then I got the error.
So, my question to the I have to copy the imagestore directory? If so, why isn't this automated? Sync should sync completely.
Answers (2)
This is not automated at this time, as the KACE Native Imaging Toolkit is an add-on, not integrated. Once it is integrated, your wim files will sync automatically.
For now, I wrote a tool that uses Toucan to sync ImageStore from the K2 to your RSA's (and back). This tool, ImageStore Sync, was included in the knit download.
Lead L3 Enterprise Solutions Engineer, K2000
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