Unix Crontab - Please help. Patching Question
I am trying to create a custom Patch Schedule with unix contab. I have two patching jobs. The first job I want to run every other Tuesday at 10:20a ( We will say the 1st and 3rd Tuesday). The second job i want to run at 10:20a every other Tuesday, except the other two Tuesdays. (The 2nd and the 4th Tuesday) Is this possible and if so can someone please assist.
The schudle is much complex then what I have listed above but if someone can help me figure this out I should be able to figure out the rest. So as follows
Week One - Patch Job One - Tuesday @ 10:20a
Week Two - Patch Job Two - Tuesday @ 10:20a
and then repeat.
Answers (1)
I believe you could use something like the following:
20 10 * * TUE#1,TUE#3 PatchJob1.sh 20 10 * * TUE#2,TUE#4 PatchJob2.sh
In the day of week field, you can specify days by name and using # can specify which week of the month (i.e. TUE#1 = 1st Tuesday). This all depends on what version of cron and what extensions were compiled in, but afaik those are pretty standard extensions.