
User import email always shows "new users imported".

When I initially set up Kace, it was importing users fine from our active directory. I was consistently getting emails saying that no new users were imported, but then when we hired some new people, it did its import and correctly showed that new users were imported. Now it seems to be stuck on this email, and every night I get an email showing that new users are imported, regardless of if new AD accounts are made or not. Although this isnt a huge deal, and I could just ignore the emails, it does cause some uneasiness, and I would rather it alert me when a new account is made for security reasons, rather than just having an email that I am trained to ignore. 

Anyone have any experience with this issue? 

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • are the mails contain the whole user list that already exist in kace or a few accounts. did you change something on AD site, like move users between OU´s or anything else? - aragorn.2003 11 years ago

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