User LDAP label is not applying at Log-in
I am trying to create a USER LDAP label by pulling in users who are a member of our service desk's security group. However it does not seem to be working properly so I am not sure what is going on. The strange thing is that the exact same Query(with KBOX_USER instead of KBOX_USER_NAME) works perfectly fine in regards to users logging in to the K1000/2000 but it will not apply the label.
LDAP Query
(&(samaccountname=KBOX_USER_NAME)(&(objectclass=user)(memberof=CN=IT Desk,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=info,DC=com))) I have also tried (&(memberof=CN=IT Desk,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=info,DC=com)(samaccountname=KBOX_USER_NAME))
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