Why is KB Manipulator hanging on 'Mapping K2000'? I cannot build a KBE with KB manipulator
KB Manipulator is hanging during the 'Mapping K2000' process. K2000 Media Manager runs fine from the same machine and successfully builds my KBE. However, KB Manipulator will not create my KBE. If anyone has seen this before and has a solution that would be great! I am running it on a Windows 7 VM, Iv'e tried reinstalling both Media manager and KB Manipulator with no success of fixing this issue.
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Posted by:
8 years ago
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I am also having the same issue. Has anyone else ran into this issue, and resolved it?
Did you ever find a solution for this? - jjvillani 8 years ago
I was able to fudge things to get it to work. I noticed that KBE Manipulator was running an application called get_network_drive.exe from the following directory: "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\2\kbe_man". While the program was Hung on mapping drive, I reran the application as administrator and this seemed to pull it from the holding pattern it was in. Somewhat of a hokey solution but it worked for me twice. - jjvillani 8 years ago
I am hoping they come out with an Update soon to fix this... anyone listening.... anyone? - jjvillani 8 years ago
Was experiencing the same issue. Unfortunately it still hasn't been fixed, but your workaround did the trick. - JerradH 7 years ago
Jerrad, Glad I could help. - jjvillani 7 years ago
Posted by:
8 years ago
Hi All,
I also have the same issue.
By reading different posts on similar topics concerning KBEM issues, I found a workarround :
- run a CMD as administrator (same account than used to run KBEM) ;
- browse to the "%Temp%\kbe_man" folder : "cd %temp%\kbe_man" ;
- then run get_network_drive.exe.
The status windows messge should change from "Mapping K2000" to "Copying..."
Thanks, Already posted that one. - jjvillani 8 years ago
Posted by:
8 years ago
Posted by:
8 years ago
Make sure you don't already have a drive mapped to z:. The KBE Manipulator maps the K2000 share on that drive and it will fail if there is already a drive mapped.
Thanks Chuck, but that is not the issue. No existing mapped drives. This problem is strange because the Media Manager has no issue and I believe KBM uses the media manager. - jjvillani 8 years ago
I have tried on a windows 7 and windows 10 machines both with PE3 and PE10 tools with no joy. - bobbinson 8 years ago