
KACE: K1000: My Active Directory user accounts keep getting locked out


You have an Active Directory (AD) account that continues to get locked out. You have verified that the system that is locking it out is the KBOX.


How do you find out what process on the KBOX is locking it out?




Check the below sections and try changing or re-inputting  the user account credentials.


*=More common


  1. *Provisioning schedules
  2. *Replication Share
  3. *Proxy settings
  4. Scripting
    1. You can run scripts using "Run As". Check to see if you are using those.
  1. File synchronization
  2. User authentication (LDAP)
  3. LDAP labels
If you have multiple ORG's, be sure to check those as well. 
This helped me to look at my LDAP labels to see which ones were enabled:
1. Create a new SQL report
2. Query:

There is a column for ENABLED. 1=enabled, 0=disabled. 


  • Excellent suggestions ! This helped fix my problem by creating the SQL report. Thanks. - aaviles 11 years ago
    • can someone show me the query used please? - Aurum 7 years ago
      • It's in the article, it's just not very long haha!

        LDAP_FILTER; - brucegoose03 7 years ago
  • Thanks for this, turned a potential big problem (no one could log in anymore) into a barely noticed hiccup. - News162 7 years ago
    • Excellent! I'm glad it was helpful. Same reasons what I created this was for the exact kind of problems I wanted to prevent. - brucegoose03 7 years ago
  • How do we address an entry? Or rather find which label it's attached to?
    The report returned mostly empty rows. Our service accounts showed as expected but my account (the one that gets locked) shows up once each with the 2 ports, 636 and 389.
    It doesn't return the name of a label. Just the ID's. - murbot 5 years ago
This post is locked
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