Can I download Dell Windows 7 OEM ISO somewhere?
We've always bought Dell PCs but since we bought the K2000 we started buying MS Windows instead of Dell Windows. Since we can no longer get FreeDOS on our Optiplexes, we've decided to save some money and just use Dell's OS. Unfortunately, it doesn't ship with PCs anymore.
Assuming I can't use the Dell product key with a MS Windows scripted installation script (afterwards where I change product key and activate), is there somewhere I can download the latest/greatest Dell Windows ISO?
Answers (2)
You could use the OEM keys with Scripted Installations (not in the wizard itself though), its just that you would need to manually activate each machine with the code that was shipped with it. You also can only put Windows 7 OEM onto machines that are licensed to have it (so any machine that has a Vista OEM license would not be allowed).
You may want to contact your sales rep to see if you can have one sent to you that way as I do not know of any repository that hosts that media for download.
I don't think you can download it, but if you have a Dell that is under warranty and shipped with the operating system you are trying to install, contact Dell Support and request a disc.
You should be able to request one here also: