Change UI Display Language for Win7 Ent
I am deploying a scripted installation from KACE K2000 and I’m using a Swedish ISO for the install.
I have a working post task that installs a Norwegian language pack and another task that remove this registry key to set the Norwegian language pack as standard for both the welcome screen and for the users that log in to the computer, “reg delete hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\mui\uilanguages\sv-SE /f”
This works fine for the Norwegian install, but now I would like to do an English install so I replace the task that installs the Norwegian language pack with the English pack, and after that I run the reg delete task so the computer should use the other language pack that is installed on the computer. But for some reason this doesn’t work for the English install. The computer just shows a black screen with a mouse pointer, when I restart the computer it comes in to repair mode and fails the repair.
So for some reason this method works just fine with the Norwegian setup but not for the English one. So I wonder if anyone can help me with a script I can run to change the UI display language for all users that log in and on the Welcome screen to English?
Answers (2)
Have a look at this post.
Its best not to hack the registry for the Lang UI, I've had issues in the past when I've done this myself. I would recommend you do this the MS way, or at least in a semi supported way.
When changing Lang UI, there are a lot of changes in the registry, some of them are different for each language. I found that changing to English from Russian changes different registry keys (more changes), compared to English to French (less changes).
Top Answer
Hi rileyz,
I had started on the same solution you gave me but I was missing some settings in my xml, but now it works fine, thank you.
My solution looks like this, I have three files:
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "setup.bat", 0, True
C:\Windows\System32\control intl.cpl,, /f:"enus.xml"
<gs:GlobalizationServices xmlns:gs="urn:longhornGlobalizationUnattend">
<gs:User UserID="Current" CopySettingsToDefaultUserAcct="true" CopySettingsToSystemAcct="true"/>
<gs:MUILanguage Value="en-US"/>
<gs:MUIFallback Value="se-SV"/>
<!-- system locale --><gs:SystemLocale Name="en-US" />
I first launched it without the VB script but then the task fails for some reason, but if I start it through the VB script it works fine.
Good to hear you got it going. - rileyz 9 years ago