Change Windows 7 OEM Information via post installation task k2000/batch file
Can someone provide me with the batch file command(s) to change my OEM information in Windows 7-k2000 post installation task?
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11 years ago
I set mine in the answer file.
post image you can use "reg.exe" calls to change these keys.
they are located at hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\OEMInformation.
these are the valid entries and key names.
so to change the Model entry you would use this line as post
start /wait reg.exe add hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\OEMInformation /v Model /d "new data" /f
and create same type of lines for the other available keys - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago-
Thats exactly what I needed. THANK YOU! - SOSAA 11 years ago
how to change oem information icon - dhirajdilwale 10 years ago