
Dell Optiplex 7020 - Unable Mount to Share at \\IKbox\peinst

I am pretty new to the KACE system, please do patient.

I have the imaging system setup so I can image any PC/Laptop fine with drivers except for Dell 7020.  When I attempt to image the 7020 I get the following:

Error:  Unable Mount to Share at \\IKbox\peinst

Now I feel that it is a driver issue with the Dell 7020. I need to add the driver manually, but I am very unfamiliar with the process on how to do it.  Also what driver would you recommend me use?

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: StockTrader 9 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer


you can have a look to the following article to better understand how the driver management works:

My recommendation in a nutshell is the following:
  1. Download the relevant K2000 driver pack: https://support.software.dell.com/k2000-systems-deployment-appliance/kb/111717
  2. Make a backup of your \\k2000\drivers\kbe_windows_x64 and \\k2000\drivers\kbe_windows_x86
  3. Delete the content of the \\k2000\drivers\kbe_windows_x64 and \\k2000\drivers\kbe_windows_x86
  4. explode the driver pack on the \\k2000\drivers\ root
  5. go to the Library -> Drivers and rechache the drivers (from Choose Actions)
  6. rebuild the KBE using the media manager
  7. try to boot your Dell 7020 with the new KBE: if it works you're done...if not search for the network drivers for that model, put it under the kbe_* folder (the 32bit in the x86 and the 64bit in x64 folder) and go to the point 5.
Kind regards,
 Marco - StockTrader

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