Disable uac task in sda 9.0.144 error
anyone having issues with the disable_uac task in the new 9.0.144 version?
since we updated the SDA, images fails on that task
Answers (4)
Clarification and more info please! The SDA does its own built in task before all the post install tasks and set engine run key called "Capture and Disable UAC". Is this task "disable_uac" one you are trying to do before this or after?
If after, I wonder what you are trying to accomplish (redundant)? You may also have undesired results in messing with what Kace needs to do to accomplish the imaging. However, you could try with a bash script rather than a vbs? Something like has worked for me in Windows 10 (but not during imaging mind you):
reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
If you are disabling before the Kace task, in attempt to have UAC disabled once the imaging is completed, you may want to set this on your gold image before capturing.
If I am totally off the mark, like I said, more info please!
thanks for the feedback… its not a task i push , its from the built-in… i always disable the uac in the sysprep tool.all these images where working fine before. Im redeploying a new server since the /var partition was only at 3.9g now it will be at 12g. Support said this could cause issues with the box. I’m hoping all this works out :)