Do you know of anyway you can look at each workstations to see what is the file size of my document folder and desktop ?
We are looking to see what is the folder size of each user's my document and desktop . If you have an ideas on how this can be accomplished or if someone has written anything that might help.
Answers (2)
You need to create a custom inventory file that runs a PowerShell command and returns the size of each directory as a variable.
You will then be able to create a report.
So create a custom software inventory item for each folder that you need the size of, in your SMA go to Inventory>Software and then Choose Action >Add New
We recommend all custom inventory field names are prefixed CIF - so maybe call your first one "CIF - My Documents size"
Scroll down to the Custom Inventory Rule box and paste in the following command
ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /q /c powershell.exe -command "(gci D:\Data | measure Length -s).sum / 1GB")
You will need to replace the directory highlighted in Yellow with the location you want to see, and you may need to use $variables
Sav this and force inventory on a device and you should see the custom field show up with size value of the folder you chose.