
How do I use Kace 1000 appliance to deploy a Hotfix for Office 2003?

I have a hotfix to apply to a number of machines but not sure on how to deploy it. I can't find the hotfix within the Patch Listing section of the appliance and the distributions need to be linked to a software package which this isn't. Any ideas? The patch in question is: -


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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: dugullett 12 years ago
Red Belt

Downloading from their site is an exe form. If you use this then /Q will work. You can upload the exe to Kace and run this as your for your command line.

office2003-KB967054-GLB.exe /Q 


If you extract it then you will get the .msp.

msiexec /a [path to admin image .msi file] /p [path to patch .msp file] SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE


  • Thanks for the reply but it's not what I was after.

    I already have the .MSP file, what I'm trying to do is to deploy it from KACE. From my understanding to deploy you need to attach the file to a software item under Inventory but since this is a patch and not a normal software distribution, i'm not sure what I should be attaching it to.
    The other option is to find the patch under Security but I can't find this particular hotfix under the Patch Listing section. - amjreh 12 years ago
  • Create a custom inventory rule as John suggested to either inventory a reg key, or a file. That way your machines will know if it already has it. Another way if there isn't an obvious change is to leave a breadcrumb in your script.

    RegistryKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Systems Corporation\78HotFix\10PRDHYPERSPA)

    This might help further explain breadcrumbs.


    https://kace.webex.com/kace/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=TC&rID=63925152&act=pb&rKey=c0e0a99e3a4dd3a9 - dugullett 12 years ago
  • Thanks for the info! - amjreh 12 years ago
Posted by: jverbosk 12 years ago
Red Belt

If you have the hotfix installed on a machine, run Inventory against it and see if it shows up in the Inventory > Software list.  If it does, you're all set to deploy the EXE via a managed install as dgullett outlined.  If not, you should be able to create a custom software inventory item that targets something about the hotfix (file version number, registry key, etc) and then tie the managed install to that to deploy it.

I would suggest deploying via a managed install so it's easier to track deployment status.  But you could also do it via a script.


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