How do you connect to the samba share to drop a file bigger than 2 Gig?
I am trying to drop a package that is 2.3 Gig and it fails through the normal route due to time out. I read that since it's over 2 Gig I would need to connect to the samba share. I found the setting in KACE that shows the path to my share and it shows the user to login as and it shows the password ( which I reset so I do know the password ). When I try to use Windows Explorer to go to the share it pops up asking for a username and password. I login with the username and password showing in KACE, but it fails to login. It "acts" like it's the username and password since it pops up again....I try again and it then says "Unable to connect". Any ideas?
Answers (2)
If you have a machine from where you need to do this regulary you could also add a registry setting, which makes it "easier".
I would always stick with the net use-way due to security, but others may think different.
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters /v AllowInsecureGuestAuth /d 1 /f /t REG_DWORD