Invalid Root in Registry Key Error Only with USB Imaging
I am attempting to image devices using USB flash drives. When I deploy the image to a networked VM it works great and I have no problems. When I attempt to image using the same KBE and system image off of a flash drive I receive the following error. I have tried the mid-level task here: to verify that the settings were set properly within the image and it comes back saying they are. Any advice would be appreciated.
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7 years ago
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Is the exact same picture
There are several stuff to consider:
1- Make sure the source Image was captured from a VM and NOT a physical device, and that it was sysprepped properly pior to the capture. (Best practices manual:
2- Make sure Windows was installed (prior to the capture) to the desired BIOS type.
i.e. Windows installed on a Legacy BIOS VM, can only be deployed to Legacy BIOS VMs and legacy physical devices
(same thing for UEFI).
3-If you are using Legacy for all, make sure D is not involved, otherwise you will have to create custom diskpart scripts to avoid wiping your USB drive. see:
--Here please check the Before you begin part--
4- If it's UEFI you will need a Microsoft certified device or use 2 USB drives:
-FAT32 with the KBE
-NTFS with the Image+Drivers
Both Drives must be plugged in and you have to make sure you're booting from the FAT32 one
Anyway that error looks like issues with sysprep, if you captured from a VM and you did not failed to boot to a KBE with an Image in Sysprep Mode, you should be fine.
(Please remember that after the Sysprep Process, if you failed to boot to the K2 and it boots to the HDD\Windows, you must consider sysprep broker and start sysprep again).
What I do:
-Run Sysprep Executor with Shutdown
-Capture Snapshot with the VM OFF ("Sysprepped Image")
-Boot the K2, if it fails to boot for some reason or it times out to the HDD, I can always use the snapshot to go back to sysprep mode.
There are several stuff to consider:
1- Make sure the source Image was captured from a VM and NOT a physical device, and that it was sysprepped properly pior to the capture. (Best practices manual:
2- Make sure Windows was installed (prior to the capture) to the desired BIOS type.
i.e. Windows installed on a Legacy BIOS VM, can only be deployed to Legacy BIOS VMs and legacy physical devices
(same thing for UEFI).
3-If you are using Legacy for all, make sure D is not involved, otherwise you will have to create custom diskpart scripts to avoid wiping your USB drive. see:
--Here please check the Before you begin part--
4- If it's UEFI you will need a Microsoft certified device or use 2 USB drives:
-FAT32 with the KBE
-NTFS with the Image+Drivers
Both Drives must be plugged in and you have to make sure you're booting from the FAT32 one
Anyway that error looks like issues with sysprep, if you captured from a VM and you did not failed to boot to a KBE with an Image in Sysprep Mode, you should be fine.
(Please remember that after the Sysprep Process, if you failed to boot to the K2 and it boots to the HDD\Windows, you must consider sysprep broker and start sysprep again).
What I do:
-Run Sysprep Executor with Shutdown
-Capture Snapshot with the VM OFF ("Sysprepped Image")
-Boot the K2, if it fails to boot for some reason or it times out to the HDD, I can always use the snapshot to go back to sysprep mode.
Thank you! After speaking with a Quest support rep as well, we figured out that I did in fact need 2 USB drives to deploy my image. - josephwagner 7 years ago