Is it necessary to put projects details and their description in resume for application packaging?
Is it necessary to put projects details and their description in resume for application packaging??? i am having 1 year of experience in application packaging. plz help me
thanks in advance....
Answers (6)
yes.Its very necessary to put project details and description in resume for application packaging
Resume's should be brief and to the point, during the interview you could then embelish on the packages you have created. I would list the packaging programs you have worked with.
- - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago -
thanks for sharing links - raamprasaad 12 years ago
Yes.. You have to give some details about the project you worked on.. You don't have to mention the client name.. instead you can mention like Telecom Provider, Communication and Media, Banking Sector etc based on your clients
I'm sure that nobody is going to read it (including your interviewer)..
Always, the starting point would be..tell me about yourself and then
projects that you have worked on...
Critical issues you have faced and how did you reslove it
Some seanario questions..
Some formality questions..
but still it is necessary to add value to your resume.. - jagadeish 12 years ago -
All the best.. - jagadeish 12 years ago
Not everything about the project but you have to mention your roles and responsibilities. Lets take you worked on 2 projects during this one year, as Jagadiesh mentioned put your client sector, months you worked for that perticuler client, and your duties 7-10 points. In that do not forget to add the tools you used specifically with the version number like (Adminstudio 10.0, App V 4.5). Metion the technologies and scripting languages you are good in Eg: VB, Powershell and Batch coz as a packager scripting is must.
for each project should we mention roles and responsibility??? - raamprasaad 12 years ago
More important is to demostrate your skills and expertise in the packaging tools and troubleshooting tools.
Whereas projects may not be important but the domain would be helpful as interviewer will get to know what kind of packages you might have done.
If you have worked for a Financial institution and you are giving your interview for some other bank, then it will be helpful for sure.
I've reviewed resumes as a hiring manager. I really don't look much at daily responsibilities - that's pretty much the same and a given for packagers. What I look for are what you did - what projects did you lead? How did you make your environment better? Where did you show initiative? How did you learn and what learning did you take on yourself? What benefit did you provide your employer? That's that stuff that I look for. Technical skills can be taught - initiative, service, attitude and work ethic are harder to teach and those are the things I hire for. I can give you experience; I can't give you those other qualities.
As for as projects you worked on: I'd want to know more than just your role. What difference did you make on the project? Did you do more than just be a resource?
Show a hiring manager that, and you'll have their interest.