Is my KUID Post-install Task even necessary?
After looking back through my task list for my images, I started to question whether or not the Apply KUID to K1000 Agent post-install task even made sense to have. The first pre-install task I have in place wipes the hard drive and formats/partitions it to prep for the Windows 10 install. If that's the case, then the KUID post install task wouldn't be able to see what KUID the computer had before it was reimaged, correct?
I just want to make sure I'm understanding the process. It seems like if it were to work, there would need to be a pre-install task script to look on the computer for the kuid.txt file, copy it off to one of the KACE network shares, and then copy it back and apply it as a post install task.
Any advice or clarification would be much appreciated.
Answers (2)
this is correct. You would need a pre install task to collect the info. Yes.
This Post install task is an example from another time.
If you install an agent it contacts the appliance. If the appliance recognizes the machine (since an agent was installed before) it gets the same KUID as before and updates the record.
A few (I seen it last in a 6.x) versions back it just created a new KUID and you had two entries.