
Is there a way to use a script dependency heavier than 2GB in K1000?

Hello guys, I have decided to use scripts instead of managed installations for software deployment since it seems much more comfortable to have the "Run Now" button and the "Run Now Status" view, however there are some pieces of software like Adobe CS6 which require really heavy dependencies. The question is, is there a way to load those heavy dependencies on scripts?
For managed installations I used to load them to client drop share on the server and after that selecting it from the dropdown but I believe that can't be done with scripts.
is there a workaround or something I might be missing?

Thanks in advance.


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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Glaporte 8 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Top Answer

In reply to my own question and in case someone may find this useful, this is the workaround I found to address my needs.
This will require the targeted device to have 7zip (x64) installed (Because of the path I used, if you have x86 version use the path C:\Program Files (x86) or whatever drive you are planning to use).
If you want you could also install 7zip on the targeted pc in the same script.

you will need to part the 2GB+ file into smaller parts of let's say 1GB each using 7zip which will create XXX.zip.001 kind of files. Make sure you compress them in Zip format using normal compression since K1000 does not recognize further compression methods.

Once you have those files you can create the script but make sure not to upload the dependencies right away. First hit the save button then open the script and upload 1 dependency file, then click save, and repeat as many times as dependencies you have. If you try to upload more than 1 dependency file in one run you will get an error since you would be trying to upload 2GB or more in the same run.

That said here is one of my scripts. I tired to use screenshots but I can't make them look clear enough.
Basically you copy the ziped files and use command prompt to unzip the file instead of letting K1000 do it on its own.

Name: (required)
Type:  Online KScript Online Shell Script Offline KScript 
Status: Production Draft Template Example 

Task 1trashcan-icon.png

On Failure:  Break  Continue


  1. Launch “$(KACE_SYS_DIR)\cmd.exe” with params “/c ”C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe“ x $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\AdobeCCIllustratorWin.zip.001 -o$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)”.
  2. Launch “$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\AdobeCCIllustratorWin\Build\Setup.exe” with params “--silent”.

On Success

  1. Launch “$(KACE_SYS_DIR)\cmd.exe” with params “/c rmdir $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR) /s /q”.
  2. Log “Installation Succeded” to “status”.
  3. Create a message window named “Success” with title “Installation Success”, message “Software successfully installed” and timeout “60” seconds.


  1. Launch “$(KACE_SYS_DIR)\cmd.exe” with params “/c rmdir $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR) /s /q”.
  2. Log “Installation Failed” to “status”.
  3. Create a message window named “Error” with title “Installation Error”, message “Software installation has encountered an error, please contact Service Desk” and timeout “60” seconds.
  4. Always Fail.

I hope someone finds this useful, as basic as it seems it took me some time to shape this.
One more note, you only need to target the first dependency file while decompressing, the other parts will be looked for automatically by 7zip.
Sorry for the poor redaction, English is not my native language.
If you have any questions about this method fell free to ask and I will reply as soon as I am able.


Posted by: nheyne 9 years ago
Red Belt
You can modify your script to install off of an existing server share:

net use x: \\server\share /user:domain\user password
start /wait X:\install.exe

Something like that.  Your script could be as simple as bundling those commands into a batch file.  If you get fancy with errorlevel commands you could even have some nice logging.

  • Hi thanks for the answer, I have almost 23 replication points so I was hopping there was a way to use them. If not I would have to copy the file to all of the RPs and create a script for each one of them.
    Maybe I should stick to managed installations in this case.
    I tried to split the file in 4 and load them as 4 different dependencies but apparently Kace does not recognize parted zip files. - Glaporte 9 years ago
    • This would be a great suggestion to post over at UserVoice. The ability to upload > 2GB Script Dependencies the same way we can upload > 2GB Software Packages would be nice. - BHC-Austin 9 years ago
      • I will right away :D thanks for the suggestion, I'm pretty new to Kace and its support. - Glaporte 9 years ago
    • If you want to replicate the data to all your RPs, then this would not be your solution. However I would think it would be more practical to have them pull data from a single source to cut down on the work involved in replicating. - nheyne 9 years ago
      • Main issue with that in my case is that those 23 RPs are located in 23 different geographical locations, most in South America running on WAN links. So if the need would arise to make a full blown deploy of an app, the links would be killed by the bandwith load. - Glaporte 9 years ago
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