
K2000 Office 2013 showing "Not Installed" in K1000 Inventory

I have just noticed that some of my deployed Office 2013 shows "installed" and others still show "not installed".  I have done a force inventory then I would add the computer in as a managed install on the K1000 even though I know it is installed already stroll to the bottom and it will say it is "not installed" on this computer when it is.    I reached out to this computer that is saying that it isn't installed and remove Office 2013 reinstall manually and K1000 still say it is not installed on this computer after force inventory.  If I look into the inventory on the K1000 I can see that it is in the inventory on this computer but I have more computers I need to deploy Office 2013 to and with it saying that its not installed will give the user a pop up to install Office when it is already installed.   Reason I added K2000 in this is that it seems as the problem may be coming from there.  Seems to me that the computer I deployed Office 2013 from K1000 it does say that it has been installed.  Some sometimes say that its still not installed but then I would run a office repair and Kace will then say it has been installed.   With the K2000 I add a new image to a new computer all goes great Office gets added but K1000 doesn't see Office.   I don't have Office packed in the image I do have a application package to deploy Office as a post.  All works well when the computer is online and user is able to use Outlook and apps but just K1000 doesn't see Office as being installed.  Asking here to see if anyone else has ran into this issue before and might know what is wrong.   

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: chucksteel 9 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

Verify that the same version that is associated with the managed install is actually installed on the target computers. The actual version number for Office 2013 is something like 15.0.4569.1506. If the version doesn't match exactly then the K1000 will not show it as being installed.

  • Ok I just checked Software in K1000 and it does show two Office 2013 one as 15.0.4420.1017 and other 15.0.4569.1506. The one's under 15.0.4420.1017 are the ones not showing as being installed. Thank you very much. I just put in a ticket on this with Dell and you had this answered before they could get with me lol. Guess I need to make sure to add Office updates to my deployment of Office. One more thing... When I deploy my image from K2000 with Office I can't go to windows updates and update Office 2013 there is no updates. I never see any updates but if I deploy from K1000 I can go to windows update and they will be there to update. - scrocafella 9 years ago
    • After you deploy your image you probably need to install the Windows Update extension that installs updates for other Microsoft products. Sysprep removes that feature, unfortunately. - chucksteel 9 years ago

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