KACE User Reception?
Hey all, so as I polish up the design/development of our service desk portion of the KACE appliance, which was our main purpose for buying the appliance, I have some very basic questions:
How receptive are users to the KACE service desk?
Options*: More or less? Looking for categories, even looking at the historical data of our old service desk, which is category-less, trying to get an idea of what kind of options to give users. Our average user has a rather low IT knowledge base to work from. So is overlapping some cascading categories so they don't miss it best practice?
Thanks, and thanks for all your help, as this site and the people on it have essentially taught me SQL.
Answers (1)
For your categories we try not to nest more than 3 levels down so the use doesn't get burdened by it and will actually fill in the information. They don't need to have IT knowledge as we keep it simple
Software::MS Office: Word
Software::MS Office: Outlook
Software::MS Office: Access
They simply select the applicatoin they are having an issue with and explain it in the comment box what is wrong.
Yeah I feel like i have SO many categories, but the farthest down some go are 3 levels.
I guess our biggest issue is the comment part, atleast with our current service desk.
I can't even guess how high the percentage is of tickets titled "system not working" and we use multiple management applications and terminals/pc/laptops :)
This was a ticket that came in this morning (Can't make this up):
experienced a loud pop, system shut down and the restarted with an abnormal shut down message, system rebooted on its own. sounded like an electrical arc. no suspicious smoke, odor, etc.
He's in the warehouse, so the description of "what...?" leaves much to be desired - Wildwolfay 11 years ago -
It can be tough as most of help desk on the user part is training. Making sure they provide correct and enough information. From their perspective, they want help and not worried about what they put in a ticket, they know they just opened one and someone will help them.
The title unfortunately is hard to fix as the user can put whatever they want there.
You could hide the title field and move category to the top and rename it "what is causing an issue"
then have your level of choices.
System::Not booting
System: No internet
Force them to see what is in the drop downs and make selections. Take away their ability to actually enter text in the title. Also make Category required. - nshah 11 years ago -
yeah category required, but removing the title in whole is bold :O - Wildwolfay 11 years ago
William Shatner voice..."I don't believe in the no win scenario...I hate to lose" - nshah 11 years ago
We set it up to where the user only had a choice of a top level category....Hardware....Software...etc We left it to the tech working the TT to properly categorize it. It was far less frustrating that way. Some of our cats go to 4 levels but only in extreme circumstances. - gargone 11 years ago
yeah but this whole new amazing help desk is supposed to try and reduce the need to go "okay, now WHAT is the problem??" and 1 category I feel like would always require the first ticket comment to be "what's wrong with category 1?" - Wildwolfay 11 years ago