Need help uninstalling app (Newbie)
I need to create a .cmd file (unless there is a better suggestion) to remove an older version of a custom app before a new one is installed in its place. I have tried creating a custom uninstall using the uninstall strings from the registry and it will also remove the directories when completed. I have messed around with this for a while so I am going to paste the barebones of what is needed for the uninstall. Everytime I have customized this and pushed it the clients accept it then it fails showing "Failed(Bad Environment) in SMS reporting. There are 2 apps, one is a custom app and the other is a SQL connectivity tool.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am very new to this, I think my syntax needs work :(
C:\WINNT\IsUninst.exe d:\MSSQL7\Uninst.isu -c"d:\MSSQL7\sqlsun.dll" -msql70.mif
rd "D:\PROGRA~1\CYBERP~1" /s /q
rd "d:\MSSQL7" /s /q
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am very new to this, I think my syntax needs work :(
C:\WINNT\IsUninst.exe d:\MSSQL7\Uninst.isu -c"d:\MSSQL7\sqlsun.dll" -msql70.mif
rd "D:\PROGRA~1\CYBERP~1" /s /q
rd "d:\MSSQL7" /s /q
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Posted by:
18 years ago
Its returning the error due to the fact its timing out on the client side.
The command line you are using is missing one switch that is crucial to a silent remove for uninstalling.
Change your code to look like this and you should be good to go:
C:\WINNT\IsUninst.exe-a d:\MSSQL7\Uninst.isu -c"d:\MSSQL7\sqlsun.dll" -msql70.mif
rd "D:\PROGRA~1\CYBERP~1" /s /q
rd "d:\MSSQL7" /s /q
The command line you are using is missing one switch that is crucial to a silent remove for uninstalling.
Change your code to look like this and you should be good to go:
rd "D:\PROGRA~1\CYBERP~1" /s /q
rd "d:\MSSQL7" /s /q

so that the conversation will remain readable.