
Package removing application w/ messagebox

I have created a package in SMS that is removing an application but before the removal begins I want to display a messagebox informing the user that this is occuring. The program is using an SMS installer executable which is configured to run the vbscript messagebox I created then remove the software. When just running the executable by just clicking on it, all runs as expected (msgbox then removal). When deployed through SMS no msgbox is displayed but the software is removed. I assume that the msgbox does not get displayed because SMS is using the local system account to run the package and is running everything in the background? If anyone knows of another way of creating a message for this please let me know. I know that a countdown display can be shown, but I would have to change the behavior of the Advertised Programs Client Agent and that would effect all packages. Thanks.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Bladerun 18 years ago
Green Belt
do you have the 'Allow users to interact the with the program' box checked?
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