
Preventing K1000 from responding from email from "unknown users"

Is there a way to prevent the appliance from reacting/responding to emails from non-appliance users?

In the Queue configuration, unchecking the box "Accept email from unknown users" only prevents tickets from being created.

Or is there a way to, by using an email rule or other config settings, prevent the "Response To Unknown Email Address" email?

Even if the end result from the "senders" side was a standard exchange delivery failure, for our company this would be preferred to the email sent from the appliance generating the "Response To Unknown Email Address" email.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • It would be more on the exchange side to not forward email from non-domain users to the KBOX. I don't now if there is a ticket rule method but that would require sql and it might be easier to ask your exchange admin if a email rule in exchange can be created to only allow certain people to send email to the KBOX. Others would be a bounce back.

    You might even want to create a group that is only allowed to forward email to the kbox and add people to that. - nshah 11 years ago
  • nshah...Thank you for the comment! I have been struggling and I am at the point where I need a better way to deal with the situation that's being created at our company.

    Through a ticket rule to prevent "Out of Office" ticket generation loop the user gets its email address appended so the ticket loop stops. Unfortunately, because the appliance is sending the "email response to the now unknown user" this creates an exchange server loop now back and forth with the appliance (although no tickets are being created due to the appended email addy of the user)

    So the ticket storm stops but then due to the email being sent by the appliance to notify the sender that they are not a valid KACE user causes exchange server to have a separate loop storm.

    We even tried modifying the rule to clear the NOTIFY_USERS field the the HD_TICKET_CHANGE table, but the kicker is the gratuitous email causing the secondary loop. (this can occur manually by having the user reply the the ticket once their email has been appended while still being out of office)
    If one could only set the appliance to not send out the email to the user it just appended the email address I would have a working solution.

    If anyone has successfully aborted Out of Office loops without additional side affects, I would greatly appreciate the sharing of the method used. (Note: the culprits are random templates being used and we are not at liberty to force the users what or what not to contain as a subject) - gabbenante 11 years ago

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