Reducing Replica Share Size
We are using KBox 1000 series management device and Replica Shares for the remote locations with following options:
1. Limit Patch O/S Files - Win 7 (all versions), Win Vista SPO, Win XP (SP2, SP3)
2. Replicate App Patches - checked
3. In 'Managed Install', we have 11 applications.
Now we want to reduce the KBox replica share size as it has reached about 7.5 GB and increasing day by day. So, any guideline for the same would be appreciated.
If you are talking about reducing the replication file share size. I don't believe there is a way to do that as it is a one way copy from the KBOX to the share at the remote site. The KBOX will be kept clean but I don't believe patches or anything will be deleted from the replication share once it is sent there. You may want to double check with support on that if anything has changed. - nshah 10 years ago
the copied files are regulary checked. If the K1000 decides some files are no more needed, they will be deleted from the share. You can verify this behaviour with adding additional languages, download the patches etc and then remove them again. - Nico_K 10 years ago
I have checked the KBox replica shared folder on the client computer and it contains software packages, applications, patches etc. So, my query is that if I remove applications from the software library then will it also reflect in the KBox Replica shared folder? - ninjamasterpro 10 years ago
Answers (1)
Set the KACE under Settings->Patch Settings to download Patches detected as Missing.
Also set to delete old patches after a few days/weeks.
If the needed again (setup a new system or similar) it will be downloaded again if it is not removed from the feed which Lumension does regulary after a time (some years)
Run a detect job regulary and deploy in another job.
I have remote locations where network links are not so much fast. So, if I select it to download patches detected as missing then it will put a continuous load on such network links and it may generate network traffic. Whereas I want to know the parts of the replica shares so that I may remove not-required items. - ninjamasterpro 10 years ago