
Remote site clients update agents, but aren't patching

Prior to v6, my remote site (2k miles away) with about 110 nodes wasn't patching. 6 of them would install patches deployed from Kace, but the rest showed error (handshake failed). Almost all of those remote machines were still on the 5.3 agent and wouldn't update to the 5.5 agent I have onsite. When I upgraded our K1000 to v6 and updated our GPO, those remote machines successfully upgraded the agent to v6. Same command line as the 5.5 deployment had in the GPO, but v6 succeeded where v5.5 failed.

BUT. Those remote clients still get the Handshake failed error when patching. I can see the client details and force inventory will pick up changes. But the patching fails. I've gone through the Kace support circle a few times and we're already in discussions about moving to Big Fix here. I'd like to stick with Kace, but need to fix this to do so.

Any ideas?

Clients are Win 7 sp1 Ent
The remote site is mostly HP hardware while onsite, we're mostly Dell
We are not running an RSA on the remote site. Just file replication for the patches. We don't deploy other software out there. Just patching.


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Handshaker error is usually because the agents cant resolve the kace appliance by host name. Have you verified that? - Ty 10 years ago
    • Thanks for the reply. I checked the amp.conf file and the host name is good. What's odd is the clients do check in. They updated from the 5.5 to 6 agent a couple weeks ago. Had the same problem before the server and agent upgrade and they still error now. Out of the 110 machines, just over a handful will patch when we deploy. - murbot 10 years ago
  • Out of curiosity have you tested the downloads from the replication server. I would turn it off and see if they can get patches from the server first. Then I would verify my configuration of my Replication Server if they are able to get patches from the main server - Ty 10 years ago

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