Removing unwanted items from Owner dropdown in K1000 Helpdesk
In our enviroment we have people in groups that are assign work, in KACE I set those groups up as a Label (Ticket Owner By Label) and they show as a user. Then we have indiviual people I have setup a label but these are the only ones that need to be shown in the Owners dropdown and not the groups. Is there a way to do this in Kace?
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Posted by:
12 years ago
What label did you use to assign as owners in a queue? did you use both labels?
the label is called AVAdmin and it is a group of users with in that user name on our system. I done as jdornan said, removed the lablel from user AVAdmin and it is gone from the owner drop down but if I decide to add another Category and assign to AVAdmin, the label AvAdmin is not there... make sense? - klthomas01 12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago
Remove the label from the users whom you don't want to see by selecting the users checkbox in users. Choose action remove label
Can you see the post I done to nshah? I done what you said to try - klthomas01 12 years ago