
running .bat files from sms and bdd


I am trying to do a ZTI install using BDD. The install works fine and the OS is installed along with most of the apps (which are all msi installs) apart from 3 which I am calling using .bat files.

Looking at the deploy logs I can see that the database returns the correct package_id and the correct .bat file is being run and it even returns a status of successful, but none of the apps has been installed. I can push the same apps out through SMS using collections and advertisements but when it comes to building a PC using BDD it doesn't want to know about the .bat installs.

Below is an example of one of the .bat files I am trying to run. The %~dp0 means from the current location, so I wouldn't have thought it would be a problem with UNC paths. And like I said, it installs OK through advertisments.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



REM ******************************************* Install App **********************

C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0AppName.msi" TRANSFORMS="%~dp0AppName.mst" /qb!

REM ***************************************** Install Patch *******************
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /p "%~dp0patchpackage.msp" REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qr

REM ***************************************** Install the Document Converter and copy files ************************
"%~dp03. Install DocConverter 2.10.vbs"

REM *********************************************** Install SQLXML 4 **************************************
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0sqlxml4.msi" /qr

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Answers (3)

Posted by: DeployTech 15 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
If it works from SMS, why not just let that deploy it?
If it is for all machines you can set it up as a deployment task in "CustomSettings.ini" within SMS, and just leave it out of "BDD" all together.
Posted by: goldeneye 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Batch file will work fine in sms when you select download and then install the application. But in BDD u will have to sequence where in you dont have option to download. I would suggest that install or sequence the applications in the batch file seprately and try this works.

Posted by: gtalboys 15 years ago
Purple Belt
I don't want all the PCs to get the apps. It is dependent on which role a user will be performing.

All PCs I build get Baseline apps and then depending on the role given to the PC in the BDDADminCore table, they will also get apps which are specific to that role. Once the specific role has been determined the table RolePackages is queried to find which packages need to be installed through SMS. SMS has the command line which calls the .bat or .cmd file and that's when nothing gets installed.
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