
SMS restart computer timer and package deployment

I made a MSI package of antivirus software and trying distribute it to all workstation through SMS.
I don't want it to force reboot the users computer but give it a timer or somekind of a notification to restart the computer.

SMS restarts computer option in SMS gives a 5min timer before restarting the computer. Is there a possibility to change the time to like 30mins?
All other suggestions how should I do it are also welcome.

Another thing is I made a package of Meeting Room Manager addon in Outlook.
Everything works fine if I install the package from harddisk, but when I am trying to distribute it from SMS it gives an error "Internal error 2103. 26".
I tried using ALLUSERS=1/2/0 in the command and after that the installation will complete and SMS informs "installation succesfull", but nothing really hasn't been installed to the machine.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: dunnpy 18 years ago
Red Belt
With regard to the reboot after AV installation you could use shutdown.exe (c:\windows\system32) - Windows XP only though...

Run shutdown.exe from a command prompt to get all the switches.

The below command will reboot a machine after 60 seconds, displaying the message shown in quotes and will force open apps to close if they haven't been closed down.

shutdown -r -t 60 -c "Your Anti-virus software has been updated and your PC must be rebooted. Please close all open applications" -f

The only issue would be if a user has walked away from their desk and may lose work after a forced reboot, but this would occur with the SMS restart option too.

Good luck,

Posted by: pakkaaja 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Too bad we are still using W2k so can't use that one.

The only issue would be if a user has walked away from their desk and may lose work after a forced reboot, but this would occur with the SMS restart option too.

This is why I am trying to increase the time when computer restarts so the users gets to save all his/her works before shutdown.

But thx for the suggestion.
Posted by: dunnpy 18 years ago
Red Belt
Just had another thought - PSSHUTDOWN from Sysinternals (now MS)


That should work in the same way as shutdown.exe, but works with NT4/2000.


Posted by: rmcghee 18 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
You can also copy the shutdown.exe from an XP workstation and add it to your package source files so that it is in the distribution point and use the switches above
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