K1000: Supress email when changing due date with ticket rule
Is there a way to supress emails when changing the due date? We want all other updates to still work but when we change the due date we would like to supress all emails as we change this frequently. Is this possible with a ticket rule?
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Hopefully someone has a better 'answer', buttt:
I've had to disable most of those email on events and make rules to govern most of the other events. As suppression, I've found, is difficult (impossible?) to implement.
Before certain additions, I had to have a ticket rule to send an email on creation, and close, as the email on events didn't supply everything we needed. Also had an issue where TOO many emails were going out.
I know it's not the right answer, but since the ticket is being changed, it's creating a record in the HD_TICKET_CHANGE table which triggers the email in the first place.
Only possible (and dangerous) thing I can think of would be to make a ticket rule that deletes that entry to the HD_TICKET_CHANGE field when the criteria is only a due_date change, then the email 'shouldn't' have anything to pull or trigger. This would require very diligent testing and solid SQL to target the right ticket change. - Wildwolfay 11 years ago