
Sysprep Working Image

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In order to reduce software deployment time for our remote sites, I was wondering if it is possible to setup a new workstation having all the software deployed using group policy then sysprep the pc and deploy that image to our remote site pc's and not have the software re-install when they are reconnected to the domain?

Any suggestions / Recommendations?


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Answers (3)

Posted by: fosteky 17 years ago
Purple Belt
Should work in theory, I believe GPO check only cares about the contents of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Group Policy\App Mgmt, so if the contents of that key remain after a SYSPREP then I think it'll work for you.
Posted by: Chipster 17 years ago
Blue Belt
The trick is that you can't sysprep a machine that's a member of a domain. So the machine has to be a member of a workgroup. Whe nyou pull the machine off the domain, it then falls out of the scope of the GPO management.

The default for GPO based software installs is to remove the software when it falls out of scope. I'm thinking that if you were to change that setting to not remove the software, you might be ok. Otherwise, you're most likely looking at a removal of all GPO based software when removed from the domain.
Posted by: nheim 17 years ago
10th Degree Black Belt
Hi Leigh,
as Chipster already stated, this will definitely not work like this.
Alternatives would be to set up and image each single install (no sysprep) at head quarters and ship it to remote.
Or install HD's and ship them.
Professional solution would be, to use DFS and have install shares on each remote location.
Regards, Nick
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