Using AD group to deploy task sequence
I am having an issue in our SCCM 07 test enviroment and I am hoping you may be able to help me with.
I have used app deploy groups (AD Groups) to deploy software and it has worked fine.
I have setup task sequence and if I add the PC to the collection and set the schedule to be run from run advertised programs it shows up in the RAP and when I run it the task sequence runs fine. If i set the collection up to use the AD group and add a user name it shows up in the RAP as well but when it's run it fails right off and never even starts the task sequence. Can this be done? Have you ever tried to deploy a task sequence from the RAP based on an AD group?
Any ideas would be great.
You need to add the machine to the group, not the user. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
Answers (1)
Task sequences can only be advertised to computers. Task sequences cannot be advertised to users.
detailed here