Windows 7 system image capture and deployment issues
Hi folks,
New to Dell Kace here but I'm having some issues with capturing and deploying a Win7 x64 system image. I'm hoping that someone here could possibly help me out by pointing out where I've gone wrong as at this stage I'm pulling my hair out :(
Ok, here are the details. The workstation that I have captured contains 1 2TB drive that is partitioned into a 200GB C drive and a 1.66TB D drive.
I have succesfully been able to capture an image of the machine, getting both partitions and also the third hidden system partition of 100MB.
When I deploy the image, my script sets up all 3 partitions correctly and formats them. It looks like this:
select disk 0
create partition primary size=100
select partition 1
assign letter="W"
create partition primary size=204800
select partition 2
assign letter="C"
create partition primary
select partition 3
assign letter="D"
I have assigned letter W to partition 1 which is the hidden system partition. I then format all drives using seperate pre install tasks and they format correctly into NTFS for the C and D and FAT32 for the W.
I then do this as a post install while still in the kace boot environment:
bcdedit /store W:\boot\bcd /set {bootmgr} device partition=W:
bcdedit /store W:\boot\bcd /set {default} device partition=C:
bcdedit /store W:\boot\bcd /set {default} OSdevice partition=C:
Unfortunately, Windows does not boot. I get the BOOTMGR is missing error at this point. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong I'd greatly appreciate the help.
Also, unrelated maybe, but I also have another annoying problem in that about half way through the deploy process, I lose video on the target machine meaning that I can't see the output on screen or the progress. I only know that it has finished deploying when the system reboots and I look at the log on the K2000. Anyone else experience this?
FYI, I'm booting the target machine from my KBE bootdisc.
Many thanks in advance,
Answers (3)
Does this machine have a UEFI Bios? If so we have a set of Pre and Post tasks to create and apply the correct partitions.
Yes it does! If you could point me to the info on this I'd greatly appreciate it :) - RMF 11 years ago
In 3.5 there is a Preinstall task to create and format the UEFI partitions (Create UEFI partitions) and then a Mid Level task to apply them (Apply UEFI Partitions). That is all that you should need to set them up and get things running. Try your system image with just those two tasks and see if that does the trick. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
Excellent! I'll update the K2000 today and report back! - RMF 11 years ago
Is the Kace set up so you can boot from the network? - If so give this a try!
I also had an issue with deploying a scripted install but it was to a E6200 - I realised that the main problem was that the Kace couldn't push down to the BIOS version I had. I therefore had to backdate the BIOS to get it to work. You could have a similar problem? - k4rl@TES 11 years ago
The problem only seems to be the MBR though. If I take the drive out and put it in my own machine I can see all of the data on there that's supposed to be. That's what led me to believe that there's something wrong with my script. - RMF 11 years ago
when you look at the drive look for a directory called boot at the root of one of partitions you created and in that you should see a file BCD, that is your boot store. that is the one you need to set the boot to, you may just have a drive letter wrong - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago