
a way to automatically set software installer as inactive



I'm looking into the full software installers in Kace. It works great except I'd like the software installers to be disabled when they first arrive. Last Night we had vmware player come down and it got installed on a couple of test machines. Is there a way to automatically set software installers to be inactive?  Then later on I will manual set them as enabled or disabled.





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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
You can create Patch Smart Labels based upon several criteria, one of which is "Impact = Software". Once you've labeled up your patches and software installers, you can selectively choose which Patch Labels to include in a given Patch Schedule allowing you more control over WHEN, WHICH patches (and software installers) go to WHICH machines.
Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt

I think you are talking about the patching you check marked Full Software Installers. You can set the patches to be inactive on download but that would be for all patches, not just software installers. We don't do software installers for patching just for the reason you described. To the KBOX the system is missing it so it will push it out if you have it set on a schedule. 


With software distribution it is based on Inventory so if those test boxes already had the software, it wouldn't have gotten the title. 

Posted by: ronco 12 years ago
Third Degree Brown Belt


First, I don't recommend the Software Installers feature, as a general rule.  However, since you're using it and it seems to mostly work for you, I think I can help you here.  You can create Patch Smart Labels based upon several criteria, one of which is "Impact = Software".  Once you've labeled up your patches and software installers, you can selectively choose which Patch Labels to include in a given Patch Schedule allowing you more control over WHEN, WHICH patches (and software installers) go to WHICH machines.  r2

Ron Colson

KACE Trainer

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