
Adding a URL link to a field

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Is there away to add a custom field or equivalent to create a link to a website?

What I am trying to do is assign an item a link to a wiki entry. Thus, when viewing an item a person can click on the link and be directed to the wiki entry for that item. The wiki will keep misc. information about the item and special configurations. As well the wiki entry will have a link back to that item in kbox.

I tried adding a custom field in the asset, but I do not see an option to add a URL link. Also tried changing the Machine Action, but those buttons do not work in all browsers.

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  • I, too, need to be able to do this. This would be very helpful! - RSanders 8 years ago

Answers (4)

Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
I haven't dealt with this in our environment, but have you just tried adding a text field to the asset and entering a URL for one of your items? A notes field may work differently as well, so I'd give that a shot if text doesn't work.
Posted by: jeremys 15 years ago
Orange Belt
I tried both fields. I also tried using html in both fields. Nothing works.

I did update the Machine Action to point to the wiki. I must have not tested completely last time. The link works in all browsers. The only issue, and this might have been why I thought it did not work, in non-IE browsers when you hover over the link in shows the link as javascript:void(0). Although, when you click on the link it does work.

I have the Machine Action as "http:\\wiki\KACE_HOST_NAME.apx"


How do others deal with documenting machines and integrating or not integrating it with KBOX?
Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
We use an access database for server information, but it is not integrated into the KBOX. We don't really document anything on our clients aside from asset information (which is tracked in the Asset module). There is a notes field on each inventory item that you can use to document, but I don't know if that is sophisticated enough for your needs.
Posted by: GillySpy 15 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
It might be worth opening an enhancement request for a link datatype or something.

I use and create links in text fields all the time in many websites so I use a firefox plugin called Quick drag (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6912). One feature of it is to take anything that looks like a URL but isn't hyperlinked and launch it quickly by dragging it. I don't have to drag it and drop it anywhere specifically, I can click on something, drag it a few pixels and unclick and it will load that URL.

Text2Link (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6003) is more specifically tailored to just URLs.

Either way, I know it's not what you're looking for and I would still suggest opening an enhancement request, but browser add-ons like this might make your life easier today.
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