anybody have a connection issue with Agents?
I have about 5000 computers not connecting out of 6500... Seems like a trust issue. i run a batch file that support provided me with seems to work. i run a psexec coomand and now will put it in a login script for other computers
Anybody had the same issue?
i'm thinking it might be a certificate when I tried running the new agent install...
@echo off
REM ==================================================================================================================================
REM Batched Script Model -- Retrust KACE Agents Script
REM ==================================================================================================================================
REM NOTE: Batched Script code provided as a courtesy by KACE to its customers.
REM We make no promises as to workability or functionality under certain circumstances.
REM In default situations under normal setup these work as designed.
REM KACE does not support modification nor usage.
REM We highly recommend you test all code no matter the source before using in a production environment.
REM If you are cut and pasting the code, paste in to a text editor then copy back out to remove any hidden characters or markup.
REM ==================================================================================================================================
REM ==================================================================================================================================
REM == Detect QUEST KACE Agent
REM ==================================================================================================================================
echo Detect OS Arch: 32-bit or 64-bit
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\QUEST\KACE\AMPTools.exe" goto x86QuestAgentPath
if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\QUEST\KACE\AMPTools.exe" goto x64QuestAgentPath
echo QUEST KACE Agent is detected in 32-bit Windows path
cd /D "%ProgramFiles%\QUEST\KACE"
goto QuestAgentPath_Run
echo Dell KACE Agent is detected in 64-bit Windows path
cd /D "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\QUEST\KACE"
goto QuestAgentPath_Run
cd ..
echo Retrust the KACE Agent. Wait...
start /wait KACE\AMPTools.exe retrust
echo K1000 Agent has been retrusted!
echo Restarting the KACE Agent. Wait...
start /wait KACE\AMPTools.exe restart
echo K1000 Agent has been restarted!
ping -n 15 -w 5000 > nul
echo Force the Machine Inventory. Please wait...
start /wait KACE\runkbot.exe 4 0
goto end
echo KACE inventory task completed. Check the device communication on the SMA WEB interface.
Answers (1)
Yea but mine was caused by the VPN client installed on the machines for a vpn that was offline. For some reason Konea would report in and give the kbox the address of the vpn nic as the primary route to communicate to the client with and since they were not using that nic on the client side they would orphan themselves.
see my answer under for screen shot detail of the network config kace was using vs what it needed to use