
AppDeploy Message Board Errors

If you encounter errors when creating an account, posting a message, sending a PM, etc. you should know there is a temporary issue with the mail server at AppDeploy that is being worked on now. Many things you do in the forums trigger an email of some kind and this is the cause of any server errors you may be encountering. In an attempt to put a Band-Aid on the problem, I've turned off the email features of the forum for the time being but I'm unsure if that will save you from further errors.

Naturally, during this time email notifications are not going out, so those that rely on email to check in on threads may not be as responsive.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: bkelly 14 years ago
Red Belt
The mail server issue has been resolved, please let me know if you still see any issues!
Rating comments in this legacy AppDeploy message board thread won't reorder them,
so that the conversation will remain readable.

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