
Best Practice for differentiating between 32 and 64 bit software in the Software inventory

I was wondering if there is a best practice for differentiating the 32 and 64 bit versions of software in the Software Inventory on the k1000. I will just use CS5 for my example here but it seems to be happening for a few other pieces of software.

In the K1000 Software inventory it groups both the 32 and 64 bit versions of CS5 in to a single entry. What is the best practice for either splitting this or creating a secondary entry that I can use for the 64 bit version of the software. I am just trying to avoid a situation where I will need to send out a 4GB installer that includes both the 32 and 64 bit versions and instead break it down in to the separate pieces.

Currently I am just creating a secondary entry in the Software Inventory called "CS5 - x64" and having it check for the existence of the software using a custom inventory rule. Is there a more elegant solution to this? Any and all help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: GillySpy 13 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
Your method is good. That's similar to what I would do. We look at the registry uninstall information so your rule could look for the existence of that instead
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