
Can i Just copy and paste a WIM file?

Hello, I need to modify one of my image. Unfortunely because of a hard drive crash, i lost the VDI (VirtualBox). So the only way i have to modify the image is by making some change on the WIM file. I just copy the WIM file from the kbox to my laptop, i used a DISM command to install/activate .Net Framework 3.5 on my W10. I then saved the changes. Now my question is: can i just copy the WIM file back to the Kbox or will it do some harm to my image? Thanks for your help. Regards, David.

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Hello, thank you for your answer. That's what i thought. Now i'll have to find some documentation about PKG management on the kbox.


    David. - Kalagan 6 years ago
  • If your only change is activating .Net Framework you can do that with a post-install task, rather than modifying your image. - chucksteel 6 years ago
  • Hello, Yes that makes more sense. i've just uploaded the source on the kbox image and i created a post-installation task (BAT script) who install the feature with dism.

    Gonna try it in few minutes. - Kalagan 6 years ago
    • Congratulations on getting one step away from thick images. It's a long journey, but I assure you the rewards at the end are worth it. - chucksteel 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Channeler 6 years ago
Red Belt
I believe this is not possible

1- The KBOX has it's own MD5 to recognize images, it will not match after your modification

2- The manifest file (generated by the KACE Deployment Appliance when you capture a WIM) it will not match either.

3-The only way to export or import components (Images, tasks, database) is using the Package Management, and this works using PKG files as containers for the Image. (the WIMs are inside the PKG file, if you were to export a WIM file).

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