
Can KACE require approval for certain tickets automatically?


Does anyone know if it's possible (and if it is, how do you do it) do get the K1000 to automatically require approval on certain types of requests? For example if they pick the category "Software Installation Request" then the ticket approver is automatically set?

Better yet, on the Software Library where users can choose to install thier own software, is there a way to generate approvals from there? I'm guessing not but at the moment without that we can't risk putting licensed or non-free software on there. Requiring the managers email to be entered isn't really good enough because it goes ahead with the install regardless of what is entered.



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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 12 years ago
Red Belt

You could create a rule that would set the approver on a ticket but if Approver isn't a required field then it doesn't stop the ticket from being created. I have dealt with similar situations by creating rules that remind the submitter to enter an approver via email (e.g. if you submit a purchase request with specifying the approver you get an email every fifteen minutes until one is set). You could use a similar technique for  a rule that only fires when the category is "Software Installation Request". 

As for the Software Library if you're worried about non-authorized users installing software then I would recommend you re-visit your user labels and make sure you only allow access to software titles based on label.

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