
CAS SSO support?


This is my first post here, so a big hello to everyone!
I am using the K1000 and K2000 appliances - and am currently deploying a single sign on system using CAS: http://www.jasig.org/cas

I wanted to know if there was any way to get Kace appliances to use CAS for authentication? This would be a big step forward for us to get acceptance of our IT helpdesk ticket system. Given an API and some sourcecode I could potentially patch this into Kace myself - with or without a confidentiality agreement.

Or maybe this is already possible and I've just overlooked the option?


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Answers (2)

Posted by: airwolf 13 years ago
Red Belt
This is not supported, and there is no API (believe me, I've asked). The KBOX allows local authentication or LDAP authentication - unfortunately, those are your only options.
Posted by: cblake 13 years ago
Red Belt
SSO has been done. It used to be in place back in the 2.x days, and then it was removed over the years due to customer demand. To affect these types of changes the other direction you'd need to make an enhancement request through support or kace.uservoice.com.
I can say that I've seen at least 2 customers work out a method for SSO on their own via a KB article on their user portal, so it can be done, but I'm not at liberty to reveal their work. Sorry.
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