

HI folks

I am sure one of you clever people will know how to do this. We are configuring KACE for Incident/Service Request. There are 6 key groups (12 Q;'s). One of those teams (2 Q's) is HR. I would like to ensure that HR requests/incidents are wrapped in some form of confidentiality due to the nature of the tickets they are likely to log. What mix of Roles and permissions would allow them to make sure that anything that is logged in their Q can only be seen by them. I have created a role called HR Queue Manager which I have attached to two test user id's to.

We still need to allow users is the wider organisation to log tickets but once they are in the Q only those who attached to the correct label or have permissions in that Q should be able to see the tickets.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: JasonEgg 6 years ago
Red Belt
EDIT: apparently this can be done with labels, my mistake

Unfortunately, there is no way to restrict view access on a queue level. You would have to create a new "organization" on your K1 to truly lock down access to the HR Help Desk (but creating multiple orgs might be more trouble than it's worth). Here is a relevant uservoice feature request: https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-sma-k1000/suggestions/7048555-read-write-hide-permissions-per-queue-within-use

  • Aha but there is. I figured out how to restrict HR tickets to only those in HR and same with Finance. Havent managed to get it any more granular at the moment. Once we are up and running I will look at it again. - kiwiblue 6 years ago
    • Oh wow, my mistake. How did you do it? - JasonEgg 6 years ago
      • Using Labels ... Once a ticket is raised or assigned to the HR Q then only Members of the HR group can look/edit. If they assign it the other way then the rules applying to that Q apply. Having fun at the moment adding dynamic validations on Location and Cost Centres. - kiwiblue 6 years ago

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