Custom Reporting
I have been tasked with generating a report from KACE of Support Tickets by Location. We support several sites and the MGMT staff would like to know which sites are struggling with support issues. I tried to generate one, however the options were limited to:
Has anyone else tried to do this in the reporting tool or is there a template that I can modify slightly to generate the needed report?
Answers (1)
I played around with some of the reporting tools/settings and was able to figure out how to generate the report i needed. I had to rethink my original process as I was trying to track Assets and Tickets, when I only needed to utilize the Tickets part of things. Once I got past that I was able to select the time/dates/etc. criteria I needed to generate the report.
Thank you :)
The most interesting question is still how do you define "struggeling with support issues" is this how long a ticket is open or if the requester is unhappy or what are the needs? - Nico_K 4 years ago