
Customizing KACE Queue Email Settings

The specific location I am trying to customize is Service Desk >Configure Service Desk Queue Email Settings> Customize Emails

We are being required to put the history of the ticket in the email response for each update to the users. I found $ticket_history in the help, however they want to make it more user friendly to read. Is there a way  to put each separate comment in a html list so that we could apply markdown to add boxes and shading around each response?

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  • In KACE SMA 9.x, the short answer to this question is that you cannot do this without creating some custom SQL rules to break down each comment into its own variable upon closing a ticket. Otherwise, KACE sees this reference as the singular collection of the ticket's history. Only other way I can imagine this working would be through attaching a third party handler to the emails like Sharepoint that references a parser script, but that would be really tedious to implement. Sorry no one else has answered, but hope this at least gives you a starting point...! - ekichura 4 years ago

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