
Disable Kace splash Screen


Is there a way to disable the kace splash on startup?





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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
jverbosk: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/How-To-Customize-the-Display-of-the-K1000-Agent-Bootup-Splash-Screens-in-Windows?action=artikel&cat=2&id=960&artlang=en
Posted by: jverbosk 12 years ago
Red Belt

This should help:


You can choose to customize the display of bootup splash screens in version 5.x and up by setting the following registry keys:


The following registry values (1=disabled) have been added and will be checked to determine if the splash screen should be disabled. The task delay registry settings have been displayed as shown below.

DisableBootupSplash (DWORD) 
DisableLoginSplash (DWORD)
DisableWaitForBootupTasks (DWORD)
DisableWaitForLoginTasks (DWORD)

If the following registry setting points to a valid bitmap, it will be used.
CustomBootupSplash (String)(pointing to custom bitmap e.g. 'c:\bitmap.bmp')

  • Does this still work for 6.X? I just checked my machine and there is no such key as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Kace or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Kace

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432\Dell\Kace exists but doesn't have the DWORDs you list.

    I know I can just add DisableBootupSplash=1 to the amp.conf file, but I want a way to make a script to push out this change. Easy to do with a reg key, not sure how to do a check and change with a text file. - jtremblay 10 years ago

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