Does anyone have a good script to deploy the latest version of Adobe Flash Player?
I am trying to figure out a script that works that will install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
Answers (6)
Since I'm on a roll, I'll answer this as well.
If you’re looking to uninstall before you update I've (stolen and then) put together a small PowerShell script that uninstalls anything based on the name of the program, but regardless of version.
Then I do a clean install, and for flash the .exe works like a charm for us. (That said, I've haven't tested the uninstall for Flash since we've included that in K2 deployments, but we've done it with Java and VMware viewer, so this should be a breeze...)
PowerShell uninstall.ps1:
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product | ? {$_.Name -like "*Adobe*Flash*"} | % {msiexec /x "$($_.IdentifyingNumber)" /qn /noreboot | Out-Null}
Bat-file install.bat: (I use auto update, if you don't want that do "-au 0" instead)
start /wait powershell -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -file ".\Uninstall_Java.ps1"
install_flash_player_12_active_x.exe -install -au 2
Zip everything and deploy as an online script. Works like magic... :-)
I deploy the .msi via Managed Installation and use the /qn /i run parameter
I do this as well but do modify the msi first using either Orca or InstEd It to modify the Property table to my liking. - worzie 10 years ago
Here is what I use from a managed install perspective - msiexec.exe /i install_flash_player_12_active_x.msi /quiet /norestart /log "C:\Temp\flashActivX12.log"
Is that what you have in the field of Run Parameters and do you select Configure Manually? - 10 years ago
Yes, and I upload the associated file to KACE box. - bnerison 10 years ago
I got your screen shot. I applied it exactly like you have and it is still not working. Any ideas? - 10 years ago
I got it to work. I had to take out the last part after /norestart and it installed just fine. - 10 years ago
I was able to install this by just using msiexec.exe /i install_flash_player_12_active_x.msi /quiet /norestart.
Makes sense if you don't have a c:\temp folder to create the log file (/log "C:\Temp\flashActivX12.log"). Can substitute in another location if needed. I use this log file for installation status info.
Glad it worked! - bnerison 10 years ago