
Get_Manufacturer_Model_OS.vbs Missing after K2000 3.5 Upgrade

We can't find the Get_Manufacturer_Model_OS.vbs script in the drivers_postinstall\feedtools directory after upgrading the K2000 from 3.4 to 3.5. Why is it gone? We need to know how to label the folders in the drivers_postinstall share.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
We ended up having to have support put the file back.
Posted by: mpace 11 years ago
Red Belt

You should now be using the driver feed discovery script to build custom feeds, as the older script no longer reports accurate information for building feeds.

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

It still shows in our kbox



'Get Manufacturer

wmiQuery = "Select * from win32_ComputerSystem"

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)

For Each objItem in ColItems
      strManufacturer = objItem.Manufacturer
      If (InStr(strManufacturer ,"Dell") > 0) Then strManufacturer ="dell"
      If (InStr(strManufacturer ,"Hewlett-Packard") > 0) Then strManufacturer ="hp"
      If (InStr(strManufacturer ,"Lenovo") > 0) Then strManufacturer ="lenovo"
      If (InStr(strManufacturer ,"VMware") > 0) Then strManufacturer ="vmware"
strManufacturer = Replace(strManufacturer, " ", "_")

'*************** Get model
wmiQuery = "Select * from win32_ComputerSystem"

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)

For Each objItem in ColItems
      strModel = objItem.Model
    If (InStr(strModel,"Latitude") > 0) Then strModel = mid(strModel,9,20)
    If (InStr(strModel,"Percision") > 0) Then strModel = mid(strModel,10,21)
    If (InStr(strModel,"OptiPlex") > 0) Then strModel = mid(strModel,9,20)
strModel = Trim(strModel)
strModel = Replace(strModel, " ", "_")

'*******************Get operating system
wmiQuery = "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem"

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\")
Set colOs = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)

For Each objItem in colOs
strOs = objItem.Caption


strModel = Trim(strModel)
'strManufacturer = Trim(strManunacturer)
'strOS = Trim(srtOS)

      Wscript.echo("Manufacturer: " & strManufacturer & (Chr(13) & chr(10)) & (Chr(13) & chr(10)) & "Model: " & strModel & (Chr(13) & chr(10)) & (Chr(13) & chr(10)) &"OS: " & strOs)


  • We ended up having to have support put the file back. - cpmarks 11 years ago
    • As mpace mentioned above, you really should be using the Driver Feed Discovery Tool as that will report more accurate information and will show the actual path that needs to be created as well. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
  • I have noticed that you no longer use the underscore in place of spaces for the model name. We have to rename all our feeds that were pre-existing. Where do I find the Driver Feed Discovery Tool, the documentation for 3.5 doesn't mention it. - cpmarks 11 years ago

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