
How can we notice when an incoming email has names in the cc field?

Often when a person opens a ticket with an email (or replies to a ticket we've created for them) they will cc their supervisor (or someone else who needs to be kept informed) on the email.  Although that person WILL get that particular message, that name will not be added to the CC list to get future updates, which would clearly be the intent.  Worse, that added cc name will not appear anywhere in the ticket history, so WE won't know to add them either.  They only ever get added if the user goes to the portal, notices that the cc_list field is blank, and manually adds it.  (Oh, I suppose they could include a @cc_list= command in their email, but how are they supposed to know that?)

Am I wrong about this?  Is it a problem for others?  Is there any workaround or solution anyone can offer? 

[Please don't suggest creating rules to autopopulate the cc_list with the supervisor, etc.; we don't want ALL tickets cc'd to ALL supervisors; we want to let users add the cc's ad hoc.]  Thanks!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: sklauminzer 12 years ago
Senior White Belt

This is not currently the way the KOX handles inbound email.

there is a feature request here: http://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000/suggestions/2056235-taking-cc-information-on-inbound-email-and-adding-

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